Thursday, 26 January 2012

What do Older people do Huyton?

           Do we ever stop and think what do our older population do all day? Or perhaps you may be like a lot us in presuming that they probably go to a local day center and do some art, flower arranging, pottery or even book writing ....that's what the Huyton writers group actually did , they wrote a book all about   'moving to Huyton'  and it was even in the Liverpool  Echo as well as a fabulous launch arriving in a Limo to do a book signing in the Huyton Library where 300 people turned up to ask questions and give interviews all about Huyton and its history and to talk of the older residents personal memories. The most inspirational aspect of this group is they were all over 70.

 But, the cuts in the arts in Huyton has meant no more local books to write. This Blog will have a look at the impact of the Arts on the Elderly and a little peek into the book Huyton Two Dogs. Below are some of the old Huyton photos from the Prescot Museum Archives chosen by the Huyton Writers for the book
Old Map of Huyton

The internment camp in Huyton 2nd WW

Prisoner Of War Camp in Huyton 2nd WW
The Internment Camp , one of the biggest in the country,was created to accommodate those 'enemy aliens' (Germans, Italians, and Austrians)deemed as a potential threat to National Security by being spies or saboteurs. Churchill's demand to 'Collar the lot' meant that 27,000 people ended up being interned in the UK. Many of the internees were refugees from the Nazis including many artists attacked for their 'degeneracy'. The Camp became known as 'The Huyton University', on account that many of the internees were academics, or artists including    Martin Bloch, Hugo Dachinger and Walter Nessier.

St Micheal Church dates back to the 12th Century and is situated in Huyton Village which dates back to the 5th Century. Inside the church there is an early Norman Font and a Chancel screen dating back to 1460.  
If you click the link Huyton2dogs it will take you to the whole book and can be downloaded from Knowsley Councils Website.

When we got the group together to write Huyton 2 Dogs Book it became a  labour of love. You see, I was born and bred in Huyton so to be able to research our local history was fascinating. My mum still lives there and is very much involved in her community with her community allotment, her local Caldwell Centre...but not the arts. You may be wondering why is Huytons nick name Two Dogs....well, during the 2nd WW Huyton was home to three camps: Prisoner of War Camp, Internment Camp and American GI Camp. It is said that the American soldiers were known as Dogs and there were white and black American soldiers who were always fighting in the many local pubs in Huyton (see the book) and we got the nickname two dogs -

Huyton Huyton two Dogs Fightin'
Ones a Black and Ones a Whiten'

 Now, the issue is with the current austerity measures has meant  that Knowsley Council has had to make substantial cuts not just in jobs and some public services but the Arts and to the Elderly people. 
      My over 70s are looking for something to do in the area of Arts in Huyton and the group are angry and sad and feel that they are the last group of people to be considered for funding of arts, they feel its 'all for the young'. I would ask why is the community arts  always the first to go, is this because this seems to have the least prevalence in society or is it because the Arts especially Community arts, may ironically lack a voice.

Of course being involved in anything as an older person is good so long as it gets the brain working, conversation going and general well being usually improves. This is what three of the Huyton Book Writers  (Betty Meaghan (my mum) Phylis and Joan) had to say about the impact of being involved in the book and art in general.

Joan, Mandy (me) Betty and Phylis (sitting Down )

I asked them how they felt about there not being anything to do with Art available for them in their local area of Huyton.

So, if art has the capacity to be a voice to the voice less, especially in the deprived areas such as Huyton, how do we hear, or see or feel the presence of the older community. Well, the answer is simple ...we don't. 
Its funny how we don't ask the question, "What do the older community do all day"? Until that is, when it affects you. I asked Knowsley Arts Services why does there seem to be no art services available to the over 70s in Huyton and the reply was, "due to the cuts .....etc".  Although they were very helpful with suggestions of other activities (not art ) but there was the barrier of the events not going on in Huyton.

The impact of re-telling of Huyton history gave such a relevance to their past experiences and gave the 8 authors of the book instant fame in Huyton with a book signing in The Huyton Library and the printing of over 1000 Books. We were inundated with requests to organize writers groups in other parts of Knowsley, such as Kirby, Prescot, Whiston and Halewood but of course the funds are not available despite the measured impact on Health and Wellbeing.

Now the book is published and is downloadable on the Knowsley Council Website . Infact the book has been accessed from USA,  Canada, Singapore, Japan and lots of Spanish locations.
 So, my advice to all fellow Huytonians if you cannot find anything for the older community then the idea is you set it up yourself....we did and I think we are going to do alot more I will keep you posted .

Local Video with some interesting stuff.

To download  the Huyton2Dogs Book go to:

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